Online - The easiest way to donate is online at https://give.wvu.edu.
Mail - Print out our donation form and mail it to our address:
West Virginia University Foundation
One Waterfront Place, 7th Floor
P.O. Box 1650
Morgantown, WV 26507-1650
Phone - We would be happy to take your donation over the phone. Please call 800-847-3856.
Securities and Retirement Assets
Donating Securities such as Stocks, Bonds, or Mutual Funds is a common way to contribute.
IRA Charitable Rollover – If you are at least 70 ½, you can make a charitable gift directly from your IRA without incurring federal income tax on the withdrawal.
Donor Advised Funds
If you participate in a donor advised fund, you can easily direct your donation to benefit a specific program.
In-Kind Gifts
Do you have a unique asset such as a work of art, book collection, equipment, software, license, or real estate? You may be able to give a Gift in Kind and transfer the ownership of the property to the Foundation.
Matching Gifts
Your employer may sponsor a gift-matching program that will allow your generosity to be matched by your employer. Click here for more information.
Support an Existing Fund...
We have many different funds already set up to support all areas of West Virginia University. You have the opportunity to designate your contribution to help WVU students or faculty, advance research, support WVU Libraries, Athletics, the WVU Alumni Association, WVU Health Sciences, WVU Tech, Potomac State College of WVU, or our Extension Service operations in all 55 counties.
…or Create an Endowment
We can also tailor your individual interest to a specific need by creating an endowment that will provide support in perpetuity. Depending on the purpose, endowments require different minimum gift sizes.
Capital Campaign
Gifts made prior to December 31, 2017 will count towards our capital campaign, “A State of Minds: The Campaign for West Virginia’s University.
Gifts through a Will
A bequest is a gift made through a your will. It can be for a specific dollar amount or asset, a percentage of the total estate, or the remainder of the estate.
Gifts by Beneficiary Designation
Retirement Fund Assets
You can name WVUF as a beneficiary of your retirement fund assets.
Life Insurance
You can also name WVUF as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy. A Charitable Giving Rider attached to the policy will pay out an additional percentage of the face value of the policy at no additional cost to you. You can also use a new or existing policy to fund a future gift to us, or give us a policy whose coverage you no longer need.
Gifts that Pay Income
Gift Annuity
A Charitable Gift Annuity is a contract that will pay you or a beneficiary a fixed amount for the rest of your life. If you don’t need your income stream yet, you can set up a deferred gift annuity and set up a future date to begin receiving payments.
A Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust (CRAT) is like a gift annuity, and makes annual payments fixed at a specific percentage of the value of the trust when it is established. It provides a fixed amount for a term or years, or for life.
Alternatively, a Charitable Remainder Unitrust (CRUT) pays you or other named beneficiary a fixed percentage of the principal in the trust as it is valued annually. Additional gifts can be made to a CRUT at any time.
Gifts that Protect Assets
A Charitable Lead Trust provides the Foundation with an annual payment for a fixed term of years, after which the principal is returned to the individuals whom you designate. This can serve to reduce your taxable estate and convey your property to your heirs at considerable tax savings.
Gifts with Retained Use
Retained Life Estates allow you to give their home or other property to the Foundation while retaining the right to live in and use the property while they are alive.